Times have changed, with people talking about the need to consolidate costs and making the most of what you have. Manufacturing plants, commercial warehousing and distribution centres need innovative solutions in order to be profitable and to keep up with their competition. So how can a business make an impact on their bottom line by making changes in storage facility? There are some things to consider when planning and designing your warehouse:

1. Employee Safety: It is both legal and a smart business decision to ensure employees are in a safe, ergonomic-friendly work environment. Consider ways to make your warehouse easy to manoeuvre, have plenty of regular safety checks and encourage employees to share ideas on how to better your business. Taking safety and comfort for your staff into consideration when planning will make for a healthy, happy workplace.

2. Consider Future Needs: Employers often ask candidates in the interviewing process ‘where do you see yourself in 5 years?’ but how many ask themselves the same question? When planning your space, make sure you leave yourself the flexibility to easily grow with your business.

3. Functional Space Layout: With careful planning, you might be quite surprised how much you can actually do with the space available to you. Today there are so many clever concepts and options available to businesses to maximise every usable inch of space in your warehouse.

4. Sustainable Technologies: There are regulatory environmental concerns that need to be considered when making plans for your storage and warehousing. There are sustainable options today that are kinder to the environment as well as offering a safe working environment.

If you don’t know where to start, you are not alone. After all, your area of expertise lies within your own industry. Storage and warehousing can be complicated and overwhelming for a business, especially for a start-up company. Consider contacting a free consultation with one of Millenium SI experts for a discussion about a well-designed and economical storage solution for your business.

Call us now on 01942 603344.