Ever get the feeling that your manager is cold and lacks any kind of emotion? This feeling must be all too familiar with workers in Hitachi warehouses in Japan where robots are giving out the orders.

The new machine manager uses artificial intelligence to manage human workers. The intelligence is gathered from learning human techniques and then processing them to continuously improve efficiency according to an article published in the Daily Mail recently.

While true robot intelligence is some way off, production work in warehouses seems to be the ideal environment for this first generation of robot managers. This may make unsettling reading for the average warehouse worker however. While robots are likely to be far more efficient and cheaper than hiring a human manager, they are not going to be sympathetic or empathise if a worker has problems.

Fortunately humans are still in control of the process and robots at the Hitachi warehouses are there purely to increase performance. This is something they are already achieving with productivity boosted by 8% in those warehouses using them.

Warehouse workers will take orders from the robots and then they will be asked to come up with better ways to do things and suggest ways to solve problems. The robot will then choose the best ones and make the necessary improvements. Scary stuff.