An interesting blog in the FT looked into how open plan offices may not be the best layout for introverts. Studies have apparently shown that introverts not surprisingly like to be closed off from their colleagues while they work.

Various studies which have looked into the effects open plan offices have on people who consider themselves introverts should provide some food for thought for business owners. While the idea behind open plan offices in the first place is to promote team work, there will always be some staff who like a bit of time to work by themselves.

Forcing them to work amongst noisy extroverted co-workers may even have an impact on some introvert’s productivity levels which might make an investment in solutions such as private glass pods and semi screened off booths worthwhile.

The FT article is not the first one to feature research into open plan offices and it is unlikely to be the last. As more research is done with the aim of improving health in the workplace, the way the office environment is constructed is likely to increasingly be the focus.

The challenge for those businesses having open plan offices is to also keep their extroverts happy. No extrovert will be happy sitting in a sealed off booth even if that will make quieter colleagues a lot happier in work.