Could your office design be holding your employees back from reaching their full potential?

The design of your office workspace could be having more of an impact on employee performance than you realise. Creating an inspiring work environment that assists productivity and looks after employee health and wellbeing is key to boosting productivity.

Does your office incorporate these five design features that are key to productivity?

Natural light – Not getting enough natural light can take its toll on the health and wellbeing of your employees. Working in an environment with poor levels of natural light can disrupt sleep, increase the risk of mental health problems, and cause health problems related to vitamin D deficiency. Fill your office with natural light and sunshine to keep employees feeling bright-eyed and healthy as well as boosting moods and productivity.

Ergonomics – No one can perform to the best of their ability if they’re not comfortable at work. Taking the time to ensure that the ergonomics of your employee’s desk spaces are correct is essential to the health, wellbeing, and productivity of your workforce.

Partitions – Office partitioninggives individuals their own private workspace, minimising distractions and aiding concentration. Partitions encourage a quieter and more relaxing work environment, reducing stress and encouraging productivity.

Social spaces – Whilst partitioned workspaces are excellent for staying focussed on individual tasks, it can be beneficial to also include social spaces in your office design. Social break out spaces are useful for employees working on collaborative tasks. Employees are more productive when they can take short mental breaks away from their desks between tasks to recharge. Social spaces provide a change of scenery and the opportunity to gain a new perspective.

Add plants – Spending time in nature is said to be good for our wellbeing, making us feel more connected and relaxed.  Most of us spend our working hours shut away in offices, so it makes sense that if we can’t be outside, we should bring a little of the great outdoors indoors instead. Bringing houseplants into the office will help to clean and oxygenate the air to improve employee wellbeing and boost productivity. In fact, a study has found that employees are 15% more productivewhen plants are added to the office.

Ready to find out more about our market-leading office partitioning solutions? Give our team of experts a call on 01942 603 344 to discuss your requirements.