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What are the most important things to have in an office

As an expert, I can provide insights into the most important things to have in an office to create a productive and functional workspace. Here are some essential elements:

  1. Comfortable and Ergonomic Furniture: Invest in high-quality, ergonomic office furniture that promotes comfort and supports proper posture. Ergonomic chairs, adjustable desks, and supportive equipment can help prevent discomfort and long-term health issues associated with prolonged sitting.
  2. Sufficient Lighting: Good lighting is crucial for a productive office environment. Incorporate a combination of natural light, task lighting, and ambient lighting to minimise eye strain, enhance visibility, and create a pleasant atmosphere. Ensure that workstations are well-lit and that lighting levels can be adjusted to individual preferences.
  3. Efficient Storage Solutions: Effective storage solutions are essential to maintain a clutter-free workspace. Provide ample storage options such as filing cabinets, shelves, and drawers to keep documents, supplies, and personal items organised. Digital storage solutions can also help minimise physical clutter by facilitating efficient information management.
  4. Reliable Technology and Connectivity: A well-equipped office requires reliable technology and seamless connectivity. Provide employees with up-to-date computers, fast internet connections, and necessary software tools to perform their tasks efficiently. Additionally, consider investing in collaborative technology such as video conferencing systems, project management software, and cloud storage for streamlined communication and productivity.
  5. Adequate Workspace and Privacy: Employees need sufficient workspace to carry out their tasks comfortably. Ensure that workstations provide enough desk space, legroom, and storage options. Consider the balance between open spaces for collaboration and designated areas or private offices where employees can focus and have privacy when needed.
  6. Proper Ventilation and Temperature Control: Maintaining a comfortable and healthy environment is crucial. Adequate ventilation and temperature control systems are essential to regulate air quality and temperature. Good air circulation can help prevent fatigue, improve concentration, and contribute to overall well-being.
  7. Communication and Collaboration Tools: Encourage effective communication and collaboration among team members by providing tools such as whiteboards, bulletin boards, project management software, and video conferencing facilities. These tools foster idea sharing, brainstorming, and seamless collaboration on projects.
  8. Well-Stocked Office Supplies: Having a readily available supply of essential office items is essential for smooth operations. Stock up on stationery, printer paper, ink cartridges, and other necessary supplies. Consider providing communal areas with shared resources like printers, copiers, and scanners for easy accessibility.
  9. Comfortable Break and Relaxation Areas: Designate spaces for employees to take breaks, relax, and recharge. Furnish these areas with comfortable seating, recreational items like games or books, and amenities such as coffee machines or a kitchenette. Encouraging regular breaks promotes well-being, creativity, and team bonding.
  10. Safety Measures: Ensure that the office environment adheres to safety standards. Provide fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, first aid kits, and clear emergency exit routes. Regularly inspect and maintain electrical equipment, and establish protocols for workplace safety and security.

By incorporating these essential elements into an office space, you can create a conducive environment that supports productivity, collaboration, and employee well-being. Tailor these elements to the specific needs of your organization, considering the nature of work, industry, and the preferences of your employees.

Budget Office Storage Ideas for Small Spaces

Do you have a small space for your office or work space? Whether you have just a desk in your home or a small office, chances are you will need storage. The storage can help you keep the space organised and pulled together looking.

I just emptied a closet/office at work to carve out some space for myself. After using the space for a few days I realize, it’s a disaster. I have papers everywhere and a mishmash of filing bins and metal organizers but nothing goes together.

Do you feel like your work space is a mess and you need to look at the space with fresh eyes? Before you buy follow these steps to make sure you choose the storage that’s right for how you use the space.

Determine Your Storage Needs

The first step before you buy anything is to look at what you need to store. Does your desk have drawers? Do you have lots of papers, office supplies, files, printers, pens and pencils, craft supplies, etc. Knowing what you need to store will help you when you start shopping.

If possible, your space will look more coordinated if you can get storage that serves your purpose, but also coordinates. To make the space look organized and pulled together don’t buy a piece here and a piece there. Once you determine what needs to be stored, get pieces that work together.

In my case, being a paper pushing CPA I have lots of invoices and other paperwork that stacks up. I also have many printers and lots of office suppliers. I really wanted shelves, but to keep them from looking chaotic I needed lots of storage inside the shelves.

Ask Yourself What You Use Every Day

What you need to store may be different from what you need to access every day. For example, you may want to store paperwork, but you don’t look at the paperwork daily. Things you use daily might be stapler, envelopes, tape, pens/pencils, etc. These things need place to be that isn’t just sitting on the desk.

Desktop Storage

If your desk doesn’t have drawers. you will probably need something to hold things like stapler, tape, stamps, pens & pencils. There are so many desks now that don’t have any storage. Consider whether your desk faces a wall or faces the open when you get desktop storage. If it faces the wall you can mount things on the wall for more storage.


If you have the space to fit shelving, there are so many inexpensive options. You can choosing floating shelves, but be aware that these are not usually a good option for heave things. For shelving, Ikea is one of the best and most budget friendly places to go.

Pulling it all together

The most important thing about storage for your work space is that it works together. This is what’s going to transform your office space from just a desk with a stack of papers to a grown up place.

How To Upcycle Your Furniture With Paint

Upcycling is a great way to breathe new life into old furniture – and it’s amazing how just one coat of paint can completely transform an otherwise plain-looking chair or chest. Follow this helpful ‘upcycle your furniture guide with paint’ for some easy styling that’ll have you second hand pieces looking as good as fresh!

Buying used furniture

  • Have a good idea of what type of furniture you need before heading to car boot sales and markets – and when you see something, picture where it would go in your home. This way, you’ll be less likely to buy pieces that aren’t particularly useful.
  • Remember there’s a huge used furniture market online. Many people sell pieces at bargain prices, or even give them away for free on community threads and websites.
  • It’s important to be flexible if you’re looking for a really unique piece. Some creative thinking can turn old doors into smaller cupboards, or crates into shelving. For inspiration, take a look at DIY and upcycling blogs online.
  • If a piece looks shabby because of a bad or fading paint job, or it has surface scratches, you can easily transform it with a little sanding or painting.
  • Make sure you check furniture is structurally sound for the way you’ll use it. If there are holes in older wooden furniture, it’s probably had woodworm.

How to revamp your furniture

  1. Gently sand the surfaces removing any rough edges.
  2. Remove excess dust using a dust brush.
  3. Prepare the surface thoroughly, so it’s as even as possible before you prime.
  4. Once the primer is dry, sand the surface again and remove excess dust.
  5. Before you begin painting, section off your first coloured stripes with masking tape, starting from the top and working towards your feet.
  6. Paint the first colour and wait until it’s dry before you put more masking tape on for the second colour.
  7. Remember to wait until your first coats are completely dry before painting second coats of each colour.

Drawbacks of working in the office

Working from home can have certain benefits in terms of time efficiency and mobility. However, there are many other advantages to working in an office that cannot be compared to remote working.

In this blog we look at the drawbacks of working in an office.

Regular distractions. The simple fact of being in an office with more people makes communication more fluent and more fluid, which may result in a noisier working environment. This could possibly interfere in the worker’s concentration and may reduce productivity.

Lack of privacy. Some people are not as extroverted and may not like working in a team as much as others. This is a disadvantage if we work in open spaces and offices, as these more introverted employees can end up feeling uncomfortable.

Your productivity will decrease if you’re feeling stressed at work. And, in an office setting where there’s more pressure from both your superior or fellow employees – it can be hard to stay on task with what needs done when everyone else seems so preoccupied too!

Advantages of working in the office

Why workspaces are so important

Many of the employees who work in these workplaces need certain skills to be able to perform their tasks such as face to face communication between teams, ability to exchange views, write, work as a team or knowing how to function in an collaborative work environment with other professionals.

Unlike remote working, the office has been designed and conceived from the outset as a place to carry out a specific job. Another of its differentiating factors is the complete separation of the employee from home: working from home can lead to stress and a lack of disconnection from the workplace, as cohabiting in the same space where you “work” and “rest” makes people not able to separate and take a real break from their working day.

Benefits of working in the office

When working in an office, there are times when you need to shift your workspace around and take up tasks at different places. This is because each space has its own unique functionality that helps maximize productivity while minimising any distractions from external factors like people or noise pollution – it’s always best if we can work without interruption.

Working as a team. Being part of a company project with a team of people boosts your creativity, as well as developing our collaborative and social skills. In an office we can interact and work side by side with other colleagues, something that can help us move away from static work routines. In addition, productivity in the office is increased.

Conduct face to face meetings. For certain work or projects, it may be necessary to hold face to face meetings. For example, arranging a meeting with a very important client at our place of work can help us to sell a proposal, because the customer engages, feels part of a whole and is able to see in person how we perform naturally and safely in a professional environment.

Establishing new links and contacts. Being immersed in a daily work routine with a lot of people around us can benefit us in the future, as this will allow us to acquire new contacts that can help us in the long run to find new job opportunities or start new professional projects. Interacting with other professionals in the office can benefit us when building new business or if we want to initiate and create new personal projects.

Top Tips to Keep Cool in An Office

Employers should make sure they provide reasonable working conditions to their employees, but the burden of providing extra allowances falls on them. However there are many benefits for both employers and staff in terms or looking after themselves during a heat wave – so long as it doesn’t pose an additional hazard due excessive strain/weariness caused by high temperatures within one’s environment which could lead into illness etcetera . This includes drinking enough water throughout each day along with taking regular breaks outdoors if possible!

Top Tips

  • Relax the dress code. If office wear usually means wearing a suit, relax this rule in hot weather. Allow more informal wear such as no ties or no suit jackets to cope with the heat.
  • Provide refreshments. By law, employees should have access to fresh drinking water, but providing ice and squash will refresh people even further.
  • Offer desk fans, or temporary cooling units to improve air circulation and keep people cool at their desks.
  • Use curtains and blinds to block out sunlight to prevent the office from getting hotter.
  • Avoid over exertion. If you usually go out or exercise at lunch, take care not to do too much, and consider staying out of the sun where possible.

Can It Ever Be Too Hot to Work in the UK?

Can It Ever Be Too Hot to Work in the UK?

There is no legal minimum or maximum working temperature in the UK, but that doesn’t mean it is never too hot to work. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) say that working temperatures should provide ‘reasonable comfort’ to workers, and provide recommendations such as:

The temperature in a workplace should be at least 16 °C, or if the work involves rigorous effort, it should be at least 13 °C.

Other factors such as humidityair flow and worker clothing and movement also play a part in determining if the temperature in a working environment is reasonably comfortable. As there is no recommended office temperature in UK law, it is up to each workplace to determine their own ideal temperature.

If you do find the heat is making you uncomfortable, this can impact on your working ability. You may find you cannot concentrate, your productivity will drop and you may suffer from heat stress.

What is Heat Stress?

When you are too hot, your body will try to cool off by sweating and radiating more energy. Unfortunately this can lead into heat stress if the temperature continues for an extended period of time without relief from water shortage or natural processes that help regulate temperatures in a human being’s environment.

Symptoms of heat stress can include having a red face, excessive sweating, a heat rash, muscle cramps, dehydration and fainting. If allowed to continue, heat stress can cause heat exhaustion, and this is a severe disorder that can lead to death in extreme cases.

Some working environments are more at risk of being too hot to work in than others. For example, those in well-ventilated offices are less likely than those working in a kitchen to feel the effects of a heatwave. However, we all have a responsibility to stay safe and healthy at work, no matter our working environment.

What Are Employer Responsibilities During Hot Weather?

All employers have a duty to protect the health and safety of employees. Whilst there is no legal requirement to provide air con in offices, employees will work better when they are comfortable. It is therefore in everyone’s interests to make the environment as reasonably comfortable as possible.

Employers should also take extra care to protect any vulnerable people in the office. Hot weather can make people feel tired and less energetic than usual, especially for young and elderly people, pregnant women, and people who may be on medication. Vulnerable people in your office may appreciate extra rest breaks or a desk fan to improve air circulation.

The beauty of working from home

The beauty of working from home is you don’t have to bring the office’s cold, clinical feeling desks, wheeled chairs and bulky filing cabinets back into your space with you. You can create a workstation that inspires creativity without having to sacrifice on your current interior style by blending office furniture beautifully into your home.

Make a room with a view

By positioning your desk so you have access to natural light, it will give off an amazing feeling. Not only are there benefits for the quality of work but also how much more productive people can be with some fresh air interacting positively within them! Science has found that it may improve alertness, health and wellness. This can lead to increased productivity overall.

Go green

The air in your room will be cleaner and healthier with plants around. Not only do they add a healthy dose of green to any space, but data shows that plants can remove up toxins from the atmosphere through photosynthesis!

The connection between nature and improved mental health has been well-established for decades. Getting out in the great outdoors can help you feel refreshed, calm down from stressful situations more quickly.

If your work area faces north and doesn’t get much direct sun, consider a snake or ZZ plant—low-maintenance varieties that thrive in minimal indirect light.

Seek higher ground

Keep in mind, your workspace isn’t just the confines of your desk. By utilising the wall above, you can maximise surface area and storage potential.

You can create a functional workstation by installing an office desk in any nook or corner of your home. To save space, use floating shelves to mount the legsless Walldesk and utilise sconces for lamps so you won’t crowd things with light sources!

Frame your space

The best way to organise your office is by using bookcases or shelving units that you can easily move around the room. This will make it easy for people who are working in different areas of their job, as well as visitors coming by without knowing exactly where they should go!

Doing so helps delineate the space and creates room for more decor. This way, the surface of your desk will simply look like it’s part of a cohesive, built-in unit. A few decorative baskets on shelves can hide paperwork in plain sight in between collectibles and curio.

Office Storage Ideas

Smart home office storage ideas

The best way to store your items on open shelves is by using hooks. You can find them at any hardware store, but if you don’t have one then just use nails or staple gun blades as long as they are flathead ones so that there won’t be too much space between each piece of furniture and its neighboring stand!

You can’t go wrong with a classic wooden rack or baskets to store your things. They’ll not only look great on top of an office desk, but it’s also easy enough that you could make one yourself! If function is more important than form for what resides in this space then try using something like notice boards which allow ample room inside them so important papers don’t get lost when they’re needed at their most secure locations.

Boxes and letter files are useful additions on your desktop to store items you use frequently. But to stop them looking too business-like, cover them with your favourite wrapping paper, wallpaper or fabric to create a cohesive theme. A storage ottoman or trunk is the perfect place to store your paperwork, but invest in hanging files or separate folders to keep everything separate.

There’s never enough space in our homes for everything we want and need. That is why it pays to invest some time into finding ways that will give you more storage options, like using a drawer organiser! These handy gadgets ensure all those pesky papers stay put while also keeping your workspace neat at any given moment.

Squeeze desktop storage into an alcove

Make use of an empty alcove if you’re needing to set up desk in a bedroom or living area. A slimline ladder-style desk won’t protrude into a room too much and makes a great landing spot for a laptop or tablet.

This bookshelf has a secret drawer for all your little secrets. It’s perfect if you’re looking to create an inviting, organised space that also doesn’t look too cluttered!

Build a wall of storage

Take office storage floor to ceiling with a flexible shelving system that can be tailored to suit your space. Position it adjacent to your desk, so you can grab paperwork and essentials as and when you need it.

Start your set-up with uprights and support brackets to create a framework, then add a combination of shelves, racks, panels or drawers as required.

Keep clutter out of sight

If not kept super-tidy, open shelves can easily look messy, especially if you’re working out of a living room or bedroom.

Corral small-scale clutter away into pretty baskets or decorative storage boxes and stack neatly on shelves. Choose a colour theme that ties in with your decor for a co-ordinated look.

Corporate office design trends you need to know for 2022

Focus on nature through your office space

Whether you have access to an outdoor space or not, every office can embrace biophilic design.

2022 is the time to stray away from rows of desks and artificial lighting. Look to incorporate natural materials like wood, water, and plants into your office space. This can be done by using materials like wood, bamboo, or stone, or including waterfalls, fish tanks, and plants. Even if your space struggles with natural lighting, there are many low maintenance plants that thrive in low light areas like cacti and snake plants.

It doesn’t stop there—increasing natural lighting and improving airflow and air quality are vital to executing biophilic design. Sometimes it’s not possible to put in a few extra windows, so increasing artificial lighting is equally as effective.

Merge the comfort of the home to the office

People have grown accustomed to working from the comfort of their own home, so comfort needs to be a top priority for your 2022 office.

Some on trend ways to bring the comfort if the home to the office include:

  • Plush carpeting

  • Comfortable seating

  • Warm lighting

  • Curtains

  • Indoor plants

  • Outdoor seating (if applicable)

Sustainability will be a priority

Maintaining a healthy planet is just as important as designing a beautiful workplace, which is why we work with eco-conscious manufacturers that use products from sustainable materials and are carbon neutral.

Aside from sustainable materials, an eco-friendly office should focus on energy efficiency. LED lighting and increased access to natural lighting are not only energy efficient, but also increase productivity for employees.

Neutrals aren’t going away anytime soon

Neutrals are tried and true, which is why they continue to be an office design trend for 2022. Off-whites, tans, and beiges instantly make an office feel more comfortable and home-like, which is vital for a successful office space.

When deciding on paint, desks, and other furniture, focus on neutral colors and natural wood tones. For a pop of color, take a look at your company’s brand palette to choose the perfect accent.

Flexible working space

Employees want options when it comes to their work space—they don’t want to feel like they are locked in one room all day. Implement unassigned work stations, cafe areas, casual areas with couches, formal conference rooms, or other gathering spaces for employees to work.

The goal of a flexible workspace is options. One employee may perform better at a dedicated desk while someone else may thrive in a coffee house style setting. Flexible work spaces produce more dedicated, efficient, and productive employees.

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