Category: Healthy Office (page 1 of 2)

Transforming Your Workspace: Creative Ways to Refurbish Your Office

A well-designed and inviting office space can significantly enhance productivity, creativity, and employee morale. If your office is in need of a refresh, refurbishing can breathe new life into the environment. In this blog post, we will explore several creative ways to refurbish your office and create an inspiring and functional workspace.

  1. Rethink the Layout: Consider reconfiguring the layout of your office to optimise space and improve workflow. Open concept designs promote collaboration, while designated quiet areas or private offices offer privacy when needed. Explore ergonomic furniture options to prioritize comfort and well-being, and ensure that essential equipment and resources are easily accessible for all employees.
  2. Play with Colors and Lighting: A fresh coat of paint can work wonders in revitalising your office. Choose colors that align with your brand and desired ambiance. Opt for neutral shades to create a calm and professional atmosphere, or inject vibrant pops of color to energize the space. Additionally, evaluate your lighting scheme and incorporate a mix of natural and artificial lighting sources to create a well-lit, inviting environment.
  3. Incorporate Greenery: Plants bring life and vitality to any space. Introduce indoor plants to your office to improve air quality and create a soothing and natural atmosphere. From small potted plants on desks to larger planters in common areas, incorporating greenery can enhance the aesthetic appeal of your office while fostering a sense of tranquility and well-being.
  4. Upgrade Furniture and Accessories: Evaluate your existing furniture and consider upgrading key pieces to enhance comfort and functionality. Invest in ergonomic chairs, adjustable standing desks, and versatile storage solutions. Thoughtful accessories, such as stylish desk organisers, artwork, or motivational quotes, can add a personal touch and inspire creativity among employees.
  5. Enhance Collaboration Spaces: Designate specific areas for collaboration and brainstorming sessions. Create comfortable and inviting meeting spaces with modular furniture, whiteboards, or interactive displays. Integrate technology solutions that facilitate seamless communication and collaboration, such as video conferencing equipment or project management software.
  6. Focus on Acoustics: Noise pollution can be a significant distraction in the office environment. Address this issue by incorporating acoustic panels, sound-absorbing materials, or even white noise machines to reduce background noise and create a more focused and productive atmosphere. Consider design elements that help in soundproofing, such as carpeting or wall coverings.
  7. Embrace Smart Technology: Integrate smart technology solutions into your office to improve efficiency and convenience. Install automated lighting systems, smart thermostats, or motion-activated sensors to optimise energy usage. Consider implementing smart security systems to enhance office safety and control access.
  8. Create Breakout Spaces: Recognise the importance of relaxation and downtime by creating dedicated breakout areas. These spaces can include cozy seating, game tables, or comfortable lounges where employees can recharge and foster social connections. Such spaces promote a healthy work-life balance and encourage collaboration among team members.

Refurbishing your office offers an opportunity to transform your workspace into a dynamic, productive, and inspiring environment. By rethinking the layout, incorporating colors, adding greenery, upgrading furniture and accessories, enhancing collaboration spaces, focusing on acoustics, embracing smart technology, and creating breakout areas, you can revitalise your office and create a space that reflects your company’s values and fosters employee satisfaction and engagement. A well-refurbished office sets the stage for a thriving and successful work environment.

How To Upcycle Your Furniture With Paint

Upcycling is a great way to breathe new life into old furniture – and it’s amazing how just one coat of paint can completely transform an otherwise plain-looking chair or chest. Follow this helpful ‘upcycle your furniture guide with paint’ for some easy styling that’ll have you second hand pieces looking as good as fresh!

Buying used furniture

  • Have a good idea of what type of furniture you need before heading to car boot sales and markets – and when you see something, picture where it would go in your home. This way, you’ll be less likely to buy pieces that aren’t particularly useful.
  • Remember there’s a huge used furniture market online. Many people sell pieces at bargain prices, or even give them away for free on community threads and websites.
  • It’s important to be flexible if you’re looking for a really unique piece. Some creative thinking can turn old doors into smaller cupboards, or crates into shelving. For inspiration, take a look at DIY and upcycling blogs online.
  • If a piece looks shabby because of a bad or fading paint job, or it has surface scratches, you can easily transform it with a little sanding or painting.
  • Make sure you check furniture is structurally sound for the way you’ll use it. If there are holes in older wooden furniture, it’s probably had woodworm.

How to revamp your furniture

  1. Gently sand the surfaces removing any rough edges.
  2. Remove excess dust using a dust brush.
  3. Prepare the surface thoroughly, so it’s as even as possible before you prime.
  4. Once the primer is dry, sand the surface again and remove excess dust.
  5. Before you begin painting, section off your first coloured stripes with masking tape, starting from the top and working towards your feet.
  6. Paint the first colour and wait until it’s dry before you put more masking tape on for the second colour.
  7. Remember to wait until your first coats are completely dry before painting second coats of each colour.

Home office wall decor ideas to create an inspirational display

With so many of us working from home on a regular basis, the space we spend so much time in deserves some extra love. Home office wall decor ideas will refresh your space and help you keep motivated throughout the day.

Let’s face it, staring at the same bland four walls everyday hardly make for the most motivational working environment. Luckily, it’s easy enough to switch your mindset from ‘out of office’ to optimistic by treating the walls of your home office ideas as a blank canvas.

Home office wall decor ideas

Getting creative with your working space is proven to boost positivity and productivity, making you much happier day to day. Whether you opt for positive paint shades, styled-up shelving, decorative artwork, or all of them, your home office wall decor ideas are sure to make the work days fly by.

Build a beautiful backdrop

While it’s important to consider the view from your desk, consider the backdrop from your computer camera, too. You’ll need to think carefully about the wall behind you and the impression it will create on video calls, as it is likely to now be one of the most seen parts of your home.

Work in tandem with your home office lighting ideas to ensure both your face and backdrop are perfectly lit, while avoiding irritating screen glare.

Stay serene with green

Bringing greenery into an office environment helps evoke a sense of calm and stimulates creativity, making it just as perfect for craft room ideas.

Try painting walls a soothing shade of green, or for a quick fix, fill a shelf with plants.

If you’re short on desk or floor space, or you’re not very green fingered, hanging botanical wall art can help destress and set you in the right mood for a productive day.

Pick a positive colour scheme

One of the main benefits of a home office is the opportunity to create a colourful environment that works for you – not your colleagues. Think about how you react to colours and tones and pick accordingly: some people feel stressed by bright shades while others find them stimulating.

If you’re wary about home office design mistakes and unsure on colours, there are some that might be worth considering, given the proven effects they have on mood and productivity.

Stay organised

If it’s small home office ideas you’re after, think about making your walls work a little harder. With a few practical accessories, they can easily accommodate all your organisational needs – the key is to make it look stylish.

Whether it’s a blackboard, corkboard or DIY pinboard, position it in the middle then work out with a couple of wall-mounted pockets and small shelves to keep all your bits and bobs close to hand.

Can It Ever Be Too Hot to Work in the UK?

Can It Ever Be Too Hot to Work in the UK?

There is no legal minimum or maximum working temperature in the UK, but that doesn’t mean it is never too hot to work. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) say that working temperatures should provide ‘reasonable comfort’ to workers, and provide recommendations such as:

The temperature in a workplace should be at least 16 °C, or if the work involves rigorous effort, it should be at least 13 °C.

Other factors such as humidityair flow and worker clothing and movement also play a part in determining if the temperature in a working environment is reasonably comfortable. As there is no recommended office temperature in UK law, it is up to each workplace to determine their own ideal temperature.

If you do find the heat is making you uncomfortable, this can impact on your working ability. You may find you cannot concentrate, your productivity will drop and you may suffer from heat stress.

What is Heat Stress?

When you are too hot, your body will try to cool off by sweating and radiating more energy. Unfortunately this can lead into heat stress if the temperature continues for an extended period of time without relief from water shortage or natural processes that help regulate temperatures in a human being’s environment.

Symptoms of heat stress can include having a red face, excessive sweating, a heat rash, muscle cramps, dehydration and fainting. If allowed to continue, heat stress can cause heat exhaustion, and this is a severe disorder that can lead to death in extreme cases.

Some working environments are more at risk of being too hot to work in than others. For example, those in well-ventilated offices are less likely than those working in a kitchen to feel the effects of a heatwave. However, we all have a responsibility to stay safe and healthy at work, no matter our working environment.

What Are Employer Responsibilities During Hot Weather?

All employers have a duty to protect the health and safety of employees. Whilst there is no legal requirement to provide air con in offices, employees will work better when they are comfortable. It is therefore in everyone’s interests to make the environment as reasonably comfortable as possible.

Employers should also take extra care to protect any vulnerable people in the office. Hot weather can make people feel tired and less energetic than usual, especially for young and elderly people, pregnant women, and people who may be on medication. Vulnerable people in your office may appreciate extra rest breaks or a desk fan to improve air circulation.

Why Office Carpets are a great choice

Office carpets are on top of the list for many businesses when choosing what kind of flooring the office should have. With brilliant design selections, great acoustic qualities and an abundance of other advantages that check all the right boxes, carpets for offices are always a solid choice for commercial flooring.

Why Office Carpeting Is a Great Choice for Office Spaces

Allowing you more freedom and flexibility in creativity and design than any other flooring material, office carpeting is the perfect pick for any office design project. With new high-velocity dye-technologies, custom carpet manufacturers provide you with the tools to create virtually anything on high-quality material at an appropriate price.

Flooring is such an important part of any design project, encompassing a massive percentage of an office space. Great office carpets enable you to use this space to your advantage by creating a design that defines the brand you are working for, and a carpet for office use is the most practical flooring choice for an everyday work environment due to its ability to absorb and improve sound in an open office layout.

How to Choose the Best Office Carpets

Designing an office space can be a long process, part of which includes picking the perfect carpeting for the office. Choosing the right carpet for your next office-project requires you to assess the workspace and consider the multiple factors that can affect commercial carpet types. Here are a few questions to ask yourself when picking a carpet for office use.

How long does the office carpet need to last?

First things first. Figure out what the office carpet’s life expectancy should be. A basic rule of thumb: the longer the lease, the higher quality of carpet required.

How will the different spaces in the office be used?

Next, determine how much each office area will be used in terms of foot traffic and furniture movement. Private offices and conference rooms may require lower levels of carpet resilience due to moderate use, while corridors and common areas typically receive heavy use. These are important things to consider when choosing the best office carpet for your office.

How well can a commercial office carpet handle stains such as coffee spills?

It’s essential to select different carpeting for different areas, such as cafeterias and corridors, which foster heavy foot traffic and coffee drinkers. When someone inevitably spills their cup of coffee or carries in dirt on their shoes, it’s best to have colour choices that fall in the medium range, which are able to mute out the daily build-up of soil and stains on the office carpets.

What will this carpet look like in an actual office space?

Lighting can impact your office carpets in more ways than one, changing the look and feel of your design completely. Taking office carpet samples on-site allows you to view the carpet under the office lighting, as well as bring your vision to life in the space it will operate. Your client is putting faith in you to design something spectacular, so why not give them a taste of your creative talent by bringing some office carpet samples to show in person.

The pandemic has altered the traditional office setup

From businesses to individuals, we have all been affected one way or another by the Coronavirus pandemic. While we know that many businesses have had an extremely difficult time, some businesses have managed to turn their fortunes around. In fact, many businesses are enjoying some very positive changes that have come out of the situation.

Office Culture To Supportive Culture

For decades, we have been engrained to believe that 9 to 5, office-centric work was the best thing for business. As employees have been forced to work from home, and companies have had to embrace this change, we’re experiencing a change in productivity and employee freedom.

This shift in working life has encouraged businesses to take only the best parts of office culture, and free employees from inefficient processes and bad habits. Leaders are switching their focus from office culture to a more supportive culture, with a new focus on how to improve the lives of employees while still getting the best from them.

Virtual-First Companies

Many companies are taking steps towards hybrid working environments, where teams can work both remotely and in the office.

This shift in the way we work has seen a rise in companies becoming ‘virtual first’. This means that workplaces are being distributed across offices and homes, and employees have the freedom to choose how they work.

For companies to successfully work in this innovative way, they must be virtual-ready. Leaders must know how to effectively manage, train and evaluate virtually, and technology must be in place to enable virtual working.

Overlapping Personal And Professional Lives

For years we have been keeping our professional lives and personal lives at a distance, with little overlap between the two. With the rise of Zoom meetings and remote working, it has given us an insight into team member’s private spaces.

Every video call and virtual meeting makes the personal lives of colleagues, managers and clients visible. We are now used to seeing employees’ children and pets on-screen, interrupting meetings and phone calls on a regular basis.

While this might seem like a distraction to the working day, in actual fact, these little glimpses into our personal lives can improve workplace relationships. When working from home, it is almost impossible to keep up an entirely professional persona, giving colleagues an insight into the real, personal life of team members.

These personal interactions are not unprofessional. Instead, they allow teams to connect and get to know each other in a new way. Overlapping personal and professional lives can help teams to work better together and understand one another’s everyday challenges.

The importance of getting your Home Office right

Getting your home office storage spot on is key to creating a space that’s functional, inspiring and that will help support your productivity when working from home.

Whether you’ve a whole room, a corner in the living room or nook in the hallway, ensuring you have the best storage solutions to keep this space tidy and well organised is crucial.


Remote working has unearthed ways to work in different rooms in the home. While the bedroom offers a quiet space, the temptation to slide under the covers may be too risky for some.

Instead lounge areas probably provide the closest thing to a ‘normal’ working environment. And, while not great for your posture, coffee tables are commonly used for laptop perching and coffee nestling.


Working with a tiny workspace under the stairs or using an alcove? Keep clutter at bay by making use of wall decor. Think wire boards, fairy lights to hang things off, and of course, some floating shelves.


Getting full use out of dressing and console tables by letting yours double up as a home office storage space is a wise move. And, there are lots of fine design tweaks that can make these tables easier on the eye. Consider painting yours the same color as your office interiors, or place inserts inside so that your stationery doesn’t roll about inside.

This is one of many cost-effective budget home office ideas to save you forking out on expensive furniture. Now all you need is a good office chair to accompany it.


A great home office storage idea is to build an adaptable storage wall with floor-to-ceiling supports and brackets. Open storage systems like this Elfa storage system really do offer total control over the storage space. Not only can you get shelves of every depth, but handy pegboard-style panels, or drawers can be added too for stationery.


Make the necessity of home office storage into something beautiful with an accent wall of shelving or pinned pictures. This is the perfect solution for those integrating a home office in to a living room or communal space. Remember to leave plenty of space to display treasured items keeping it as aesthetically pleasing as it is functional.


Those who are considering returning to the office are doing so cautiously due to the uncertainty of lease commitments and health protocols.

The last several months have left workers reeling as many were forced to work from home to stay safe from the ongoing pandemic. Real estate technology firm Yardi recently conducted a survey recently that revealed office users are still skeptical about what the workplace will look like in the future.

“Occupancy is around 86% nationwide,” said Rao. “It was generally flat up until a month and a half ago. In the last month, it dropped 0.3%, which is a large monthly drop. What we are finding is that for many leases that are expiring, generally what’s happening is the tenants are holding onto the space, and they are not wanting to make any rash decisions one way or another.”

The overall theme of the market is uncertainty. The demands of offices have evolved since the beginning of the year. Now, tenants want touchless technology, outdoor areas and air filtrations systems to ensure that their health is protected.

Additionally, the relationship between landlords and tenants is bound to transform as short-term, flexible leases grow in demand.

Millennium Storage Office Refurbishments

Millennium offers you a full service to provide you with the best possible environment with minimum disruption. We believe in practical solutions and creative office space planning. As a company experienced in office fit out, we offer office partitioning, flooring, decoration, furniture (standard and bespoke). As a result you have one point of contact and dedicated project management to ensure a seamless transformation.

The Benefits of Refurbishing Your Office or Workplace

The average worker spends vast portions of their lives in their office or workplace, so it is important for the surroundings to look and feel welcoming. If your workplace needs a bit of a spruce up, you may want to consider the benefits of an office refurbishment.

Improved efficiency

Refurbishing your workplace can allow you to alter the layout of your establishment, and you may find that by moving certain aspects of your office, you can increase the efficiency of your workplace. You can even take this opportunity to invest in new, high-quality equipment for your office that can increase the speed of functions.

Increased productivity

A new, attractive, updated workplace can boost the morale of your workers, which in turn can increase their productivity.

Attracts new clients or customers

Your office is, in effect, the face of your company, and the quality of your workplace can speak volumes about how your company is run, and even how successful your business is. A high-quality establishment indicates that your company is turning a good profit, which can make other customers or clientele have faith in the success of your company and be more inclined to do business with you.

More room for more staff

When you refurbish, you can alter the size of certain aspects of your establishment – storage, hallways, etc. to create more space, which can fit your expanding workforce more comfortably. You may even find that simply rejigging the furniture into a more organised state can create the extra space you need.

Increased health and safety

If you’ve been using your office for a while, general wear and tear might have caused some damage to the fixtures, which can be a huge health and safety risk to your workers. An entire new office will be completely safe and secure, greatly reducing the risk of workplace accidents.

Millennium Storage and Interiors offer both office and commercial refurbishments, so no matter your workplace, we can provide you with the new look you want. We only use high-quality materials and fully qualified and skilled workers, to ensure that the work we produce is of the utmost quality. No job is too big or too small for our dedicated team, and we’ll be on hand at all times to manage the project, completely eradicating the stress from the procedure.

The UK: Coolest Offices

Looks are never everything, but when it comes to the office you spend most of your time in, a work environment that is fun, easy on the eye and inspiring can make a huge difference to how you perform on a daily basis.

Take a look at a few of the trendiest offices we’ve got in the UK right now…


The Office: ASOS’ headquarters in Camden are located in a former tobacco factory, with an art deco vibe that means natural light, modern furnishings, and funky, patterned wallpaper.

The Engine Group

The Office: Circular, spinning seating pods—like something you might see on a futuristic spaceship—and translucent acrylic display screens make this London office techy and cool.

Frank PR

The Office: This London office has a rotating fairground ride, a la an amusement park! Who wouldn’t want a spin—bad pun intended—at this office, which seems to value playing as much as it does hard work.

Millennium’s solutions are cost-effective and planned to the highest standards. The company’s strength is to understand fully client business and match it to their requirements.

If you have any questions or enquiries for us at Millennium Storage and Interiors, please get in touch using the contact details here.

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